Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Who said you cant SUMOOOOO?!!

Well hey my fellow bloggers! i hope you get to see these photos...i really enjoyed last weeks dance with MORE than 150 people attending! i was really in shock! but it was nice to spend some time with my friends (who think i talk alot hehe) well if i do i make all your lifes more intresting at least :D

i loved also that we had sumo wrestling going on! my v good friends ryan and markie decided to have a go while it was quiet i was VERY IMPRESSED! when the assistants kept jumping on the suits i thought they had got fed up of us YSA and wanted to beat us up...but no it was to compress the suits ahhh...good memories! so i was like oooh let me take a photo!

heheh we had loads of others do it but hey i hope you guys dont mind me showing the photos...they will never let me take any EVERY AGAIN!! mwhaaahhhaaaa no i throughly enjoyed it...amongst the dance at about 9:30-11:30 the dance got most of its members and i had a boogie it was really nice to be with loads of old and new friends, not that im into advertising but the next dance is Ahem on March the 3RD so i hope you all get to come! same place same time...im sure ill let you know sooner to the time!

so whoever says you cant SUMO they lie haha i didnt need a sumo attire...i wanted to spar with someone but i was scared id take em out! memories of school...hehe

I cant believe im actually now 21! its no different really...but i discussed with a few people im gonna MAKE it a good year, and stick to my goals so watch out everyone :D and i hope you enjoyed the photos...if i can be nice to DJmello maybe he will let me publish his photos of the dance last week along with mine, hope you all had fun! keep on dancing and defending your honour SUMOOOO!