Tuesday, December 13, 2005

SeRiOuSlY SaNtA!

Heres a picture
for the day i
thought it was
sweet but this
photo is thanks
to my mum!

Balls 'R' us!

hey its moi again!

I wanted to bring you the

fun and festivity of the season

with all the rhyme and reason...

of all the photos of shakin stevens!

hehe hey it did rhyme whey!

But anyway i all hope your having a GREAT christmas time just Teaching the nursery kids last week brought it all home for me!

Remember the TRUE meaning of christmas and the best way is giving of yourself to the Saviour! well i hope you have fun with my photos LOVE BEX

the ball was really fun the choir was great! and its just a really good time of year from me APART FROM THE COLDS boo! :(anyway keep smiling everyone your ALL great!)