Sunday, June 05, 2005

It's Blogtery!

  • Crazy Random words!
  • isnt it...
  • medium...
  • bogg standard...
  • blitz...
  • nojuju...
  • ouba juba...
  • blaggin...
  • yetti...
  • mutation...
  • nutbar...
  • all these wonderful
  • words in the world of Bex

Questions and Answers!

I'm sat here now just wanting to type away so i thought id answer some questions some of you that have been asking!

  1. Why the name Glamazon? well let me see once upon a time A VERY LONG TIME!! i used to watch a programme called POPULAR the chearleaders where called "the GLAMAZONS" no the word hasnt been deprived from my own imagination(or saying i am GLAMOUR", although i thought about the show and the girl's character, who is like me in ways she was the unpopular girl - the friend to all, but she strived to become a Glamazon not because she would be popular but because she wanted to improve and in the end SHE GOT IT, she kept going until she got her dream, and even made it being the home coming queen, now im not saying i want to be in that situation. But her DETERMINATION is what got me. And what i try to emulate SO THERES YOUR ANSWER :D
  2. Why dont you sing solo? OK the short answer is because im not too good with a microphone and crowds secondly, i think theres many more people who have a beautiful voice than me! ever since i was little my voice just choaks when i am infront of loads of people, thats why i am in choir because i feel supported, and in unity.
  3. Whats the thing that REALLY annoys you? ill spell it out I.G.N.O.R.A.N.C.E. you walk in a room you say hello, and people just look at you like an alien, do i do that to others no I DONT THINK SO, at least i hope not, im not being cheesy but i like to be friends with everyone, and when you are ignored it HURTS! so there you have it...
  4. Do you want to do photography as a Career? YES i do, but i want to include that with digital imaging which also consists of web designing, but i have to go to college/uni to do this space lol!
  5. Whats the best thing you do as a ward missionary? you know what? i love the whole thing, getting to meet new people, teaching them the gospel, working with the missionaries. i have to say overall though, its when i see progress. i have been in many appointments where the investigator is really interested and they have learned so much and you can see they are making the change in their hearts, thats the BEST thing! SO WONDERFUL TO SEE!
  6. Who do you admire the most/your role models? i HAVE to start with my mum her love and support for me is tremendous! i have her to thank for alot on my life - my friend mark because he has been there 24/7 to listen to me go on and waffle, to help me sort my problems out HES FANTASTIC! my friends who all support me, lindsay, vikki, sarah d, ally, hayden, chris, laura, charlene, Andrew P, larissa, and Sara K. I am so thank ful for you all, who needs to follow celebrities when you have stars in your midst? im thankful for my dad and adopted dads Jeff and George and Rob who have shown me who i am, gave me encourage ment and have been sterling examples for me in my life! Elder and Sister Francom who have just BEEN THERE, given me so much love and support, i dont know where i would be without all these people, and if i left you out I STILL LOVE YA!
  7. What would you most like to take photos of? i would like to do waterfalls, periodical photos, and babies (because i havnt covered them yet) but yeah definately those :)

Well there you go there all i can think of right now! so ask me more and ill tell you :D LV ME